If one considers that 93% of what we communicate is nonverbal, it is reflected that those who look after their appearance achieve better results in their business. Some keys: being authentic in how to present yourself to the world, but with the ability to empathize with the other.


 All people have and project an image. We are permanently establishing social relationships to develop our life. Even more so is an entrepreneur, who systematically must maintain business relationships to position his business and make sales. In this context, why does it become relevant for an entrepreneur to take care of his image and personal presentation?


Inevitably, our outward appearance is the only thing immediately obvious to others. We are seen before being heard. When I arrive at a meeting with the aim of closing a sale or doing a business, before I can talk about the benefits of my product and why it is better than the competition, in just seven seconds the other formed a first impression about me (which 68% of the time does not change), which leads him to make value judgments about how I am, how I do business, how my company is, how reliable I am and whether or not he likes the idea of doing business with me.

That's how blunt the first impression is. Regarding this, if we take into account that 93% of what we communicate is nonverbal - that is, our gestures, clothing, how we speak when speaking, neatness and personal neatness - the importance of why we should taking care of the personal image is more than clear: if I take care of my image, I manage to sell more and better, I manage to 'sell without speaking'. I pave the way for the concretion of the sale because I work to achieve a first positive impact on the other.

At present, according to data shown by Harvard University studies, the care of clothing and business etiquette increases by 40% the possibility of successfully closing a sale or business because it allows to be an excellent generator of commercial and trust relationships ; It helps create strong personal bonds that result not only in increasing sales but also in customer loyalty.This fact is also a strong reason why luxury watch seller sites such as watchshopping.com have experienced a rapid increase in turnover in recent years.


Can you build an image?


Think of a professional style, based on an identity of your own, in accordance with the competencies that will be highlighted as professional strengths, in addition to your own style or look, it is part of a strategic construction of what you have proposed to project. Therefore, the elegance, sobriety, versatility, proactivity and professionalism of a person, will undoubtedly be reinforced in their clothing. However - I always clarify it - the clothing will be only a complement that should be used as a plus, without diminishing importance to the capabilities and attitude of the wearer. It is necessary to achieve a strategic balance between body, personality and professional skills, without having a collection of Prada or Armani.

Is it necessary to “adapt” the way in which an entrepreneur dresses the person with whom he must meet?

The key is always to be authentic in how you present yourself to the world. But it is also true that the ability to empathize with the other is very important, and I do not want to be confused with being hypocritical, but that it is about finding the points of coincidence between my person and the person with whom I meet as it helps pave the way for the creation of personal, professional and / or commercial ties.